Monday, April 20, 2015

Find-A-Map #6- That's not a map. This...Is a Map.

Anzac Day.
Look it up. Initially a solemn day of remembrance for Gallipoli. Look that up, too. Or watch the Smithsonian documentary.
It's a day of remembrance; it is not supposed to be a party.
Bad ideas. Bad plans. Bad decisions. Bad days. People died. It was avoidable.
World War One was supposed to be the "War to End All Wars".

This map makes a big splash. Multiple portals to enter. Music. Great choices of content. Excellent touches with background details. Easily and skilfully engages the website visitor. Very impressive. When my map grows up, it wants to be like this map.

I don't want to say much more so as not to influence your experience. The website does have playable and story modes and uses 3D mapping and imagery.

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