Sunday, April 19, 2015

Find-A-Map #2- Somethin' & Somethin' & Buttons, I 'Spose

It always sounds so simple: " Go find a cool map with...". And then the search begins: the Googling (interactive map), the looking (Ooo, that's cool), the checking (umm, this doesn't move), the rejecting (no, animated please), the typing (animated map/timeline map/animated timeline map/maps for GGS411  blog homework), the hunting (no no no No No NO NO! Mama Mia), and finally something (Hooray!) with buttons (Laaaah!clouds part-sun shines). And of course once you decide on one, well, there's always the other one.

This week's entries (and I predict some future entries) contain buttons that progress a map through time like a 'flip book'.

Contestant #1 is a government product that hopes to educate and inform the world. With bold colors and rollover pop-ups, there's no mistaking the message they're sending.

From the US BLS: 23 years, 50 states, 4 industries. 5 industries. 4 industries?
5 industries. Health care is a recurring guest star.
 How about that screaming hot pink left over from the '80s? Nice. Texas won't notice. 

Contestant #2 is a dark and handsome American history fan. Although the buttons aren't VCR style, you may select your own start point from the launch screen, then advance across the US map page by map page.  The faster you click, the more it looks like an animated movie.
Not cartographic perfection,  but the colors, movement, and story are easily discernible.
The legend is tucked on the right side of each page.
Why does Hawaii shrink and nearly disappear when selected? 

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