Sunday, April 19, 2015

Find-A-Map #3- Click it or Tick it. Buttons and a Checkbox. On one map. At the Same Time.

   Exceeds Expectations      Meets Expectations  Needs Improvement

Textbook publishing titan McGraw Hill provides online supplemental resources for students.
The following map for their Glencoe Online Learning Center Social Studies section shows the state-by-state adoption of women's right to vote in the US. The map meets requirements for this blog post, but as a good map, not so much.

-The radio buttons are not cumulative or stackable layers. The OFF button is unnecessary,
-The checkbox is an on/off choice.
-The RESET button is not necessary.
-The asterisks and the constant explanation, regardless of their appearance in the current map frame; not good.
-Color palette: Not a cartographer. Or the editor overruled. Or the printer was out of eye-pleasing color combinations. Or the selected colors were on sale.
-On a positive note: the non-US countries are a receding color, the water is blue, and the map is projected.

This map is nearly identical to our Lab 3 assignment. And personally, I believe everyone in our class would have done a much better job on this map. Kudos to all, especially Prof. Hallden. Submit resumes to McGraw Hill now.

Check out the Old School state abbreviations. Or maybe a Calif owned a big chunk of west coast land back in 1920. 

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