Sunday, November 23, 2014

Chloropleth Map

Yes, it is Choropleth. C-H-O-R-O-pleth, not like chlorine, chlorophyll, or chloro fluoro carbons.

BUT, I have found a Chloro Choro Carto. Behold!:

It is actually pretty. Pretty awful. Nice color scheme- what does it mean? What do the dots mean? Is there significance to their location? Are those lakes or new countries in Scandinavia? There is a separate page to download for some explaination. That's fine, but there is plenty of room for a color ramp legend. Cartographic nuance and fundamental elements are missing. Must have been a short production deadline.

And , Yes, the assignment is to find a great example. I like this one:

The line graph and net change comparison features are what set this map apart from others in this genre.
Impressive communication of concept and storytelling.

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