Saturday, November 7, 2015

It Took Long Enough

Six months. About time to get back to the blog.

I am taking another mapping class. Of cousre, that's what geography majors do.

I made a map using CartoDB. Not sure how I feel about CartoDB, yet.

For a better view, please select the full screen button in the top left. Apparently, Google products don't communicate with each other very well.

Check it out:

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Lab 9: I Melt with You

I've loaded the code, but for some reason, my 'city' column is not recognized and none of my data appears for years other than 1980.

Ive seen the difference and it's geting better all the time...

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Lab #5: Hold That Train, Conductor!

Can't start  Lab#5 without Lab#4...

Lab#4: Train, Train!... Take Me On Outta This Lab!

Where do I begin?...

We start the lab in class. Tweens are kinda cool. I get my animated block done before leaving. Awesome. This will be so much easier than Lab 2.

Yeah. Right.
Crushed. Creative Cloud, you show me no love.

Struggles. Struggles with the simplest of things.

My isolines won't behave. Shoot, Flash won't behave. Definitely some operator error, but c'mon?!

This is the last most coherent shot I can show. Lots of practice files... piles of files...

A single shot with most of my work in a single place. Doesn't show the practice files or iterations failures and modest successes. Isolines. A tiny polygon for NYC filled with robin's nest egg blue.Days planned, Keyframes. Journey starts on day zero. Multiple starts and stops over four weeks didn't help. Determined to get this one functional.

My block is not visible in that shot and no longer plays as a movie. Much like Lab 2.

Lab #2: Thank You (Falettinme Hate Mice Elf for Lovin Football Agin)

Because I can't put a link in the post title-
Thank You  (Falettinme Hate Mice Elf for Lovin Football Agin)

It's pretty, but it doesn't work. Like a trophy wife. But that's another football post...

Ideally, the buttons will not only work, but also make a kick/punt sound forward and a whistle for pause. Those are free sounds. Tackles and "Hut-Hut" cost $. 

Prof. Hallden  has helped, bu this might need a complete overhaul. Save the artwork and start over. Again. 
I feel a bit deflated that this is not yet functional.