Monday, April 20, 2015

Find-A-Map #4 and #5- Twin posts for Tweens and Time

Double duty!

This week's post provides some continuity from previous maps and subjects.

Post #4
If you recall, for Find-A-Map #2 one example map portrayed Manifest Destiny 'flip-book' style.
This week, we get sophisticated for Westward Expansion in the US: shape tweens and an oh-so-authoritative British accent. No more clicking the map forward like it's 1984 and you are about to get the high score on Galaga with the dual shooter.

There are also several extras or nuances to the animations for this map: use of tweens, fill, transparency, additional images that zoom and  fade, plus animated text. This capture shows the expansion in 1842 that develops into Maine.

Post #5
Flashback to Buttons. Could've used this for Post#2. Fits better here.
It's a pretty creative map that displays multiple data sets. The timeline can be played at multiple speeds. Plenty to critique here; but once you get it, you get it. I like that the timeline is searchable- enter the date and Go! I haven't seen that feature and thought it unique enough to merit the post. While not appropriate for every application, it is an efficient way to navigate a large span of time data. The legend rings are movable on a touchscreen. Toggle map elements below timeline, Africa-centric projection. Good use of color. Nice work. NOTE: Just click view. No need to download.

After the entrance screen you start here.

This capture shows labels on, legends moved and activated, conflict off. Demographics are deactivated and unavailable for this year. The lower right of the map includes links to  instructions and ancillary data set.

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